UDC 796                                                            PhD   N. Opryshko (TNEU)




In the article the level of the personal interest of students of the Ternopil National Economic University to the lessons of discipline «Physical Education» is considered. The attitude of respondents to the school lessons of physical culture, additional lessons in sporting sections and also the main reasons which prevented to visit them are lighted up. The facts of subjective assessment of the level of health of students and most widespread problems with the health of students are resulted. The priority reasons of girls to the lessons of physical education are definited, the most attractive to them types of lessons and desired quantity of practical lessons in the weekly cycle are exposed.

Keywords: students, health, physical education, physical activity, motivation.


Currency of the issue. The instability of social and economic and political problems in Ukraine leads to considerable changes in life conditions of modern youth, which without fail influences the health standards [1, p. 4]. Every year the percentage of applicants belonging to the primary medical section entering Ternopil National Economic University (TNEU) gets smaller and smaller. As a result of increase of informational and psychological weight on the last courses the percentage of people with some kind of physical disorders gets bigger [2, p. 3]. Low health level of some students is accompanied by absence of interest to physical training lessons [8, p. 10]. Also, most students lack the knowledge about healthy lifestyle which is important to be applied in everyday life. Disappointing facts point to degradation of intellectual potential of our country in future altogether.   

The main reason of students’ reduced interest to physical training lessons may be found in absence of propaganda of healthy lifestyle in families, as well as in insufficient adequacy of methodological software and outdated forms and methods of teachers’ preparation to the lessons of physical training [2; 5; 6].

Quite a few research works (M. Vylenskyi, 2007; O. Grebik, N. Zavydivska, 2001; S. Savchuk, 2008; Yu. Krutsevych, 2000; R. Sirenko, 2007) are dedicated to training a stable interest and a need in physical training lessons of the students of higher educational establishments. Modern youth is the one who formulates the level of economic, scientific and cultural life of its country [4]. So the problem of forming the positive attitude and the stable interest to physical training lessons of the female students of higher educational establishments with economic character is quite actual [9]. However, in order to work out a scientifically justified programme it is necessary to investigate the state of solving of this problem in practical plane.

The aims of the article. The aim of the article is to analyze the degree of interest of female students of Ternopil National Economic University to the discipline ‘physical training’.

The methods applied: poll (interlocution and survey), methods of mathematical statistics.

The body of the article. Surveys and interlocutions were performed with the female students of Ternopil National Economic University. 227 respondents took part in the research. Anonymous survey was of a closed kind. The students were to answer 12 questions of the survey.

The analysis of the answers showed that 64,3 % of the female students had studied at town school and  35,7 % – at village schools. 44,5 % of the respondents confirmed their positive attitude to the motor activity. At school physical training lessons had been interesting for them, so they had been doing physical exercises systematically. For 27 % of the respondents the lessons had been boring, but they had been attending them. For 28,5 % of the girls because of some reasons (frequent illnesses) attending physical training lessons had had an intermittent character, so they were not able to assess their interest to the lessons quite reasonably.

From the answers to the question ‘Had you attended any additional sports sections?’ we found out that 49,3 % had never gone to any sports sections, 37,5 % had gone there from time to time, and only 13,2 % had been attending sports sections on regular basis when they had been at school. The lack of time prevents 62 % from attending sports sections, the state of health does that to 23,6 % of respondents, 10,7 % noted their indifference to physical exercise, 3,7 % say that the main obstacle was the poor financial status of their family.

The research showed that girls assess their health state in different ways: most respondents, 56,8 %, evaluated it as ‘satisfactory’, 32,6 % – good’, 10,6 % admitted that their health state is ‘bad’. The most common health problems are connected with the diseases of respiratory system (22,5 %), musculoskeletal apparatus (20,3 %), cardiovascular system (8,8 %), nervous system (7 %), eyesight (4,4 %). While answering the questionWhich physical exercises attract you the most?’, the female students responded: aerobics   (38,2 %), working out in a gym (34,8 %), tourism (32,6 %), gymnastics (23,8 %), sports games (22 %), yoga and Pilates (16,3 %), athletics (14,9 %). One of the questions was about students’ opinion on the amount of lessons in a week. 49,3 % found two times a week an optimal amount, 38,3 % said one lesson would be enough, 10,2 % of the girls noted that they would like to have physical training lessons three times a week, and only 3,2 % would like to have them four or five times a week.

One of the questions aimed at finding out the most important motives to attend the physical training lessons. As a result of ranging, we can see that the first place was occupied by the motive of strengthening their health (R=1,78), which points to students’ dissatisfaction with the health level at the present moment and to their desire to improve it.  The second motive concerned correction of the body build (R=3,05). The third motive was connected with weight loss (R=3,46). Next motives ranged were: enjoying the physical activity (R=3,82), passing a credit in the subject (R=4,24), releasing nervous tension (R=4,28). This division confirms that self-consciousness about leading a healthy lifestyle plays probably not the biggest, but important role in the structure of motivational priorities of students.

Another point of our research was finding out how the parents feel towards physical activity: 41 %of students’ parents do not exercise at all, in the families of 53,3 % of the students parents exercise from time to time, only 5,7 % of parents work out regularly. 86,1 % of parents consider physical exercises an important part of a healthy lifestyle, whereas 13,9 % noted that physical exercises are regarded as a ‘waste of time’ in their families. Maybe this fact is to blame for students’ not being interested in physical training lessons.


1.     The research revealed a low interest of the respondents to the physical training lessons in their school years. Among the reasons of low motivation to attend the physical training lessons we can mark the absence of free time (62 %), poor health state (23,6 %), personal indifference (10,7 %).

2.     Being students, a reasonable part of the respondents thinks that improving their health (R=1,78), correction of figure (R=3,05), weight loss (R=3,46) are the biggest motives to attend the lessons, but the absence of free time, bad health and laziness hinder them to work out.

3.     Priority in health improving work with the female students in the educational establishments of economic character should be given to forming positive attitude and need in physical activity.

Further prospects of the research: To make a programme of combined applying of a system of methods and principles of physical training of a health-improving kind, which will provide appropriate conditions of forming the need of systematic physical activity of the female students of TNEU and will develop positive motivation to a healthy lifestyle.



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Approved by: doctor of pedagogy, professor A. Vykhrushch