UDС 37.02: 371.134                                                                      т                         І. Dzyubenko

(Uman State Pedagogical University named Paul Ticino)




The article discusses new approaches to definition of terms "competence approach", "professional competence", "cognitive and intellectual competence." On this basis, motivated by the need to address issues of competence of teachers through its implementation in higher educational institutions with innovative technology. The essence of concept of "cognitive-intellectual" competence and its components.

Keywords: competence approach, professional competence, cognitive and intellectual competence.


В статье рассматриваются подходы относительно трактования понятий, «компетентностный подход», «профессиональная компетентность», «познавательно-интеллектуальная компетентность». На их основании мотивируется необходимость решения вопросов компетентности будущих учителей путем их реализации в высших учебных заведениях с помощью инновационных технологий. Раскрывается сущность понятия «познавательно-интелектуальная компетентность» и ее компонентов.

Ключевые слова: компетентности, компетентный учитель, компетентностный подход, познавательно-интеллектуальная компетентность.


The article discusses approaches with respect to interpretation of the concepts of "competence approach", "professional competence", "cognitive and intellectual competence." On their basis is motivated by the need to address issues of future teachers through their implementation in higher education with innovative technologies. The essence of the concept of "cognitive Intellectual competence" and its components.

Key words: capacity, competentent teaher, competentence approah, professional pedagogical competentenc.


Formulation of research problem. At the end of the twentieth century, education was faced with tremendous competition. Part of this process is free movement of intellectual resources - information , research paradigms, innovation and media. Radical changes in life of Ukrainian society in the early twenty-first century require adoption of new models of knowledge, introduction to the world of experience and information space. Changing of priorities in the values and goals of education, the transition from the technocratic approach to the implementation of its humanistic essence makes the relevance of training in the new socio-economic conditions.

Currently, between different countries deployed competition for quality intellectual resources that are the foundation of any nation. In connection with the preparation of future specialists, shaping their intellectual and professional skills is an important goal of public policy in education.

The main feature of new paradigm of education is the transition from educational concept of domain knowledge, abilities and skills required for the activity of certain standard conditions, the concept of personal development, of continuous formation and development of creative thinking abilities of students. Our country needs to train students to make decisions using information and communication technology, think critically, solve solution of conflicts , focus on labor market. That is to give impetus to creativity , to develop inherent intellectual capacity , to bring boldness of thought , to form the basic competence of future teachers, especially cognitive-intellectual competence as a basis for the development of preparedness for professional work in conditions that change frequently bring up the need for creative lifestyle [1 ].

Analysis of periodic scientific and methodological issues, psychological, educational materials on investigated problem indicates the need , molded scientific basis in the context of which it is advisable to continue the research to find in a certain direction. This concerns in particular:

 problem of forming innovative creative thinking ( Vygotsky L., B. Delia , V. Dolzhenko, W..Cooper, W. Lozovaja , M. Holodna, etc. .)studies on the formation of cognitive and intellectual competence of the teachers (N. Bibik , A. Lokshin, A. Ovcharuk Pometun O. , Savchenko , S. Trubachev ).

The purpose of this article is to clarify with an innovative approach to formation of "cognitive-intellectual competence" of future teachers .

The main material. Historical and educational predictors of innovative processes in education has its origins in ancient schools of the world. This is the most clearly evident in the school of Confucius, outdoor life , built on dialogue , which is not only taught , but also raised . These principles have received development in the concepts and activities of philosophers, teachers of ancient Greece, who created the humanistic paradigm and the concept of individual teacher and pupil in learning process. Academy of Plato and Aristotle should be considered the first innovation of higher education in the world.

At the Second International Congress in Seoul, one of the topics of discussion was the theme of "Renewing learning and training." In the discussion it was emphasized that for those who will study in the twentieth century , there is demand innovative approaches to garbage . This requires reorienting curriculum to include new items and important issues. New information technology has opened new avenues of study that are based on new technologies. It is possible to use and apply both simple and complex modern technology, information and communication technologies in the education system in the garbage without losing valuable aspects of traditional teaching methods, including personal nature of the relationship "student - teacher." Based learning technology, designed to play an important role in the development of cultural learning throughout life , with its ability to provide those learners new opportunities to meet their training needs and training [7 ].

Consider the methodological foundations of study of innovative educational environment of university , which forms the identity of unconventional thinking, and it is one that has professional competence, capability to predict decisions , anticipate the results , highly spiritual and moral, of active citizenship , personality , being able to make a personal contribution to the solution of actual problems of society and the state. Such training requires innovative approaches. The combination of approaches that constitute the methodological basis of research include: learner-oriented, axiological , systematic, innovative, competency approaches. This competency based approach is connected with organization of educational process that forms the basis of professional competence, focuses mainly on final outcome of educational process and is aimed at the formation of graduate preparedness to effectively target the internal and external resources to achieve this goal, and most importantly - to think creatively. It is known that the fundamental characteristics of creative thinking is self transfer of knowledge and skills in a new situation , the ability to see new problems, new feature familiar object, the structure of object under study , alternative solutions , the ability to combine previously known solution for creation of new method , create an original solution with known others.

Competence of specialists with higher education ( professional competence ) - it is found in practice desire and ability, willingness to realize their potential (knowledge , skills , experience, personal qualities, etc. .) For successful creative ( productive ) activities in a professional and social environment awareness social significance and personal responsibility: the results of this activity, need for its continuous improvement [5].

We consider it appropriate to vocational education to develop cognitive and intellectual competence as basis for development of preparedness for professional work in conditions that change frequently. It is one of basic competencies of teachers, which is found on one hand, because as a person perceives, understands and explains what is going on around her, both in the educational process and everything that surrounds it, and the other, how and what decisions it takes in certain difficult situations. Cognitive and intellectual competences are considered as a set of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, experience, personal qualities of teacher, allowing to perform a search heuristic activity independently acquire new knowledge, analyze the activities of participants in the educational process to make decisions. Hierarchical assumed invariant from the 1st to the 3rd level (intellectual and professional treatment ) and movement of the lower level ( analytical system ) to the highest (creative). Primary level - reproductive activity (ability to mechanically reproduce digestible information that conveys meaning of the text tutorial activities based on specific instructions, etc. ). Algorithmic level - standard problem solving activities for a well-known algorithm. Creative level - intellectually retrieval activities connected with the solution of non-standard methods and techniques.

Conclusion. The dominant feature of specific characteristic of teaching profession, necessarily at all stages of formation of his professional activities and mobility celebrating self-education , self-improvement. Therefore , we can conclude that creativity on the one hand requires ability to abandon stereotypes and on the other - it is impossible without such stereotypes because they are its base. Therefore, training should , on the one hand, instill stereotypical skills , abilities, knowledge, and on the other - to be innovative, creative, creating the possible need to abandon them in the search for knowledge and other ways of life .



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Approved by: doctor of pedagogy, professor D. Pashchenko