UDC 378                                                                                            Hun’ko N. A. (VNAU)




Стаття присвячена розгляду питань формування основ педагогічної майстерності майбутніх викладачів технічних дисциплін в аграрних ВНЗ; розкрито поняття педагогічної майстерності викладача технічних дисциплін; розглядаються проблеми, які виникають в процесі формування педагогічної майстерності, що викликані особливостями підготовки майбутніх викладачів в аграрних університетах. Запропоновані напрямки майбутніх досліджень та способи вирішення проблем. 

Ключові слова: педагогічна майстерність, викладач технічних дисциплін, аграрний ВНЗ, вміння, навички.


Статья посвящается рассмотрению вопросов формирования основ педагогического мастерства будущих преподавателей технических дисциплин в аграрных университетах; раскрыто понятие педагогического мастерства преподавателя технических дисциплин; рассматривается проблемы, которые возникают в процессе формирования педагогического мастерства, которые вызваны особенностями подготовки будущих преподавателей в аграрных университета. Предложены направления будущих исследований и способы решения проблем.

Ключевые слова: педагогическое мастерство, преподаватель технических дисциплин, аграрный ВУЗ, умения, навыки.


The article is devoted to the question of basic pedagogical skills formation of future technical disciplines teachers in agrarian universities; the notion of pedagogical skills of future technical disciplines teachers is revealed; the problems appearing within the process of pedagogical skills formation caused by peculiarities of teacher training in agrarian universities are analyzed. The article reveals the directions of future exploration in this field and the ways of solving the problem.

Key words: pedagogical proficiency, technical disciplines teacher, agrarian university, skills, abilities.


Currency of the issue. The updating and improvement of the higher education system institutions including the universities of agrarian sector in Ukraine stimulates the search and development of the new methods of the future teaching staff preparation and the improvement of their professional development approaches. The future of the state depends on the quality of education, namely, how skillful the upcoming teaching staff will be. It directly depends on how skillfully the teachers of high school will work. The main problem is that the system of future teachers training in agrarian universities has its own characteristics that negatively affect the pedagogical proficiency formation.

The recent research and problem analysis. The aspects of professional preparation in pedagogical system are broadly investigated. They are the research works of V.O.Vykhrushch, A.M. Kolomiyets, N.V. Kovtuh, S.A. Litvynenko, O.M. Piekhota, G.N. Nychkalo and others. The problems of agricultural education were considered by such scholars as R. Balan, L. Baranovska, A. Diomin, P. Luzan, D. Ishchenko, O. Homeniuk, P. Oliynyk, O. Zabolotniy. However, we consider the formation of pedagogical proficiency of technical subject teachers in higher agricultural institutions not to be researched enough.

The aims of the article. To uncover the features and problems of the pedagogical proficiency formation of technical subjects teachers in agrarian universities.

The body of the article. The purpose of studying technical disciplines is the future technological activity preparation based on the integrated knowledge that shape students’ appropriate technical world map. As it is experimentally proven the successful activity of people dealing with the techniques depends not only on their professional education, but also on how the teachers have formed their spiritual, social, psychological and physical culture; have developed their imagination, the ability to state the tasks and solve the problems, have developed their personal qualities that will help in social activity and so on.

According to O.O. Yevdokimova the teacher’s professional development is based not only on the high professional skills and competence, but also on a variety of capacities (pedagogical orientation, responsibility, integrity, creativity, adequate self-esteem, proper behavior, etc.). All this forms the top of the teacher’s development, his teaching proficiency. [1, p. 83]

The problem of pedagogical proficiency is most thoroughly considered by I.A. Ziazyun. He emphasizes that pedagogical proficiency is: "The high level of the teacher’s professional activity. The specific proficiency markers are evident in the high level of performance, the quality of work, the teacher’s actions reasonable for specific pedagogical situations, in achieving the high levels of education and bringing up. The teacher’s proficiency is claimed through creativity and is embodied in it… To master pedagogical proficiency the systematic preparation for each class, constant work on the latest pedagogical literature, studying the experience of colleagues and borrowing all the best, more useful, all the necessary indeed, and the development of the teacher’s individual style is needed." [1 , p. 88]

According to S.V. Tolochko the formation of the future educational potential among the agrarian students is strongly influenced with their pre-professional training. To ensure it while studying the courses of "Fundamentals of pedagogics" and "Psychology" the topics that will disclose the substantive work of the agrarian university teacher in the best way should be selected. This will cause an interest to educational activities and will provide a potential basis for future teachers among students. To ensure this it is necessary to strengthen the cooperation among the teachers of psychological and pedagogical disciplines and the ones of agrarian universities departments; to create the curriculums, the specific courses and various conferences psychologically and pedagogically inclined. [6 , p. 231]

The professional training of future teachers has certain characteristics. It should be a synthesis of humanitarian and agrotechnical elements of training, providing the pedagogical orientation of the whole educational process. [ 5, p. 4]

V.P. Zinchenko highlights the main sources of pedagogical proficiency formation. These include:

1. The subjects of psychological and pedagogical course;

2. The general theoretical, social and special subjects;

3. The subjects of methodological course. The course "Fundamentals of pedagogical proficiency";

4. Teacher training practice;

5. The course "Fundamentals of scientific and educational researches" [3 , p. 4]

Based on all mentioned above we conclude that there are some problems that hinder the pedagogical proficiency formation of technical subjects teachers in high schools of agrarian profile. Firstly, the students who decide to combine their professional activities with teaching face a lack of psychological and pedagogical training. This is due to the curriculum peculiarities in agrarian universities. The amount of training time allocated to studying of psychological and pedagogical courses is quite small. In particular, in VNAU the masters in Agricultural engineering study the course "Pedagogics" for only 54 hours, 14 of which is given for practical training. It is clear that this training time is not enough to provide the students with all the subtlety of educational activities.

We believe an insufficient number of subjects of psychological and pedagogical course to be the other drawback. The students study the courses "Pedagogics" and "Psychology" which can only slightly alleviate their future teaching. Thus, studying the course "Psychology" they should have formed the following skills:

-          to assess their own psychological processes;

-          to formulate the goals of their own activities, to identify their interests, etc.;

-          to analyze a psychological condition and to be able to diagnose the condition of others;

-          to identify the factors that can cause conflicts, to be able to solve them, and so on. [ 4]

It is clear that these skills are not enough to form a pedagogical proficiency which is the key to successful training of future professionals. The next significant disadvantage in preparation of future teaching staff among those who study technical subjects is the lack of pedagogical practice. The students are not able to use the acquired knowledge practically to solve not imaginary teaching situations but real, to test a variety of modern teaching methods, to use the latest technology and others.

Besides all the above, we believe that the low motivation of students to educational activities in general should be added to the following issues. We conducted a survey among the 3rd year students and masters of Mechanization and electrification of agriculture department which indicated that they do not have the desire to work as teachers. Thus, 52% of respondents gave a negative answer, 43% doubted the choice and only 5% would like to try yourself as a teacher … Some questions related the skills and abilities required by future teachers. They are summarized in the table 1.

                                                                                                                                Table 1  

Summary results of the study of susceptibility to educational activities and

the availability of appropriate skills and qualities


Communicative skills

Organizational skills and personal activity

The ability to conduct the scientific research activity and studying interest


Positive answer

( % )


Positive answer

 ( % )


Positive answer

 ( % )

Do you feel difficulties in communication?



Do you plan your day?



Are you interested in technical news?



Do you feel easy to express your thoughts?



Could you have conducted the thematic meeting if entrusted?



Do you like to work on the search of new information?



Do you think you have declamatory skills?



Do you take part in contests, students’ conferences, etc?



Do you feel easy to perceive scientific information?




The amount of positive answers often indicates that students lack the specific features or they are not developed enough to become the basis for establishing the basics of pedagogical proficiency. Only 27% of respondents prefer to study humanities, the rest being focused on technical subjects directly related to their future profession.

Inferences. Thus, we can conclude that pedagogical proficiency is an important element of success for any teacher. Of particular importance is the formation of pedagogical proficiency of the future technical subject teachers in agricultural universities, where the characteristic teacher training doesn’t give effective results in the future. Therefore, based on the analysis carried out of all the deficiencies of the training we conclude that it is necessary to investigate in more detail the features of the activities of technical subjects teachers. The knowledge of the difference between a technical teacher and the one of humanities should be used to form a clear list of the qualities necessary for the personality of the future skilled teacher. Besides, you need to make changes in the training of future technical subjects teachers itself, expanding the existing training courses and introducing some new ones, additional clubs and so on. It is also important to shape the motivation of teacher performance and to determine the students with appropriate desires and skills from the very beginning. A priority area of the further work is to determine the conditions under which the formation of pedagogical proficiency of technical subject teachers of agricultural university profile will be promoted.




1. Євдокімова О.О. Педагогічна майстерність викладачів вищої школи і фактори, що впливають на її формування. [Електрон.ресурс] /О.Євдокімова. – Режим доступу: http://archive.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/soc_gum/pzpp/2010_12_2/81-89.pdf

3. Зінченко В.П. Формування у студентів педагогічних вмінь у процесі навчання. [Електрон.ресурс]/ В.Зінченко . – Режим доступу: http://archive.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/ soc_gum/pedalm/texts/2009_4/019.pdf

4. Освітньо-кваліфікаційна характеристика бакалавра. Напрямку підготовки 0919 «Механізація та електрифікація сільського господарства». –Київ, 2005 – С. 32-40

5. Сиротіна О.О. Досвід підготовки викладачів аграрного профілю у системі професійної освіти. . [Електрон.ресурс] /О.Сиротіна. – Режим доступу: http://elibrary.nubip.edu.ua/5904/1/ O.Syrotina_St_NUBIP.pdf

6. Толочко С.В. Особливості й проблеми підготовки викладачів спеціальних дисциплін аграрних ВНЗ./С.Толочко//Психолого-педагогічні науки. – 2011.-№10 Професійна підготовка. –  С. 231


Approved by: doctor of pedagogy, professor Dzhedzhula O.M.